Whore for Flying – England : NOT-Y ✈️ Pilot
Pilot flying with NO Radios or Nav Aids in England to build flight time.Lost Pilot lands for Directions. #pilot #aviation #aviationlovers #pilotslife #pilotvideos
Whore for Flying – England : NOT-Y Pilot

Whore for Flying – England : NOT-Y ✈️ Pilot
Pilot flying with NO Radios or Nav Aids in England to build flight time.Lost Pilot lands for Directions. #pilot #aviation #aviationlovers #pilotslife #pilotvideos
Healthy Lifestyle Water, Healthy Tip 2 from airline pilot: NOT-Y
Healthy lifestyle tip 2, drinking water. Provided my Airline Pilot to help improve the health of your humane body. Pilot talks about how important water is to maintain good health. #drinkwater #benefitsofwater #water #healthylifestyle #improvehealth #healthyliving #howpilotsmaintaingoodhealth #benifitsofdrinkingwater #howtoimproveyourhelth #improvehealth #healthylivingforlife #healthylifestyle #pilotshealth #faamedical #drinkmorewater
GUINNESS IRELAND 🍺 how to drink Guinness. Drinking Guinness may help get you to heaven. Beer Joke
Pilot teaching how to drink GUINNESS and maybe help you get to HEAVEN. #Guinness #Ireland #howtodrinkguinness #howtogettoheavenwithguinness #Saintpatricksday #guinnessbeer #howto #guinnessstout #slainte #irishpubs #ireland #templebar #guinnessfactorydublin #pint #beer #guinnessbeerbenefits #heavenjoke
Read moreAWOL for FLYING-Germany: NOT-Y
Pilot in the USAF goes AWOL for free flight time. Things pilots will do to build up their flight time. Career building. #AWOLmilitary #Germany #pilotgetintrouble #pilotswilldoanythingforfreeflighttime #aviation #pilot #pilotslife #aviationlovers #pilotvideos #instaaviation #aviationphoto
Read moreAlmost Died – Sydney: NOT-Y
Almost died swimming, drowning in Bondi Beach, Sydney, Australia. #drowninginaustarlia #bondibeachsydneyaustralia #almostdiedswimming #almostdrowned #struggletosurvive #not-y #willtolive #Sydney #strugglingtolive
Read moreFirst Pilot Job, ERAU, Flight Instructor -Daytona Beach: NOT-Y
The first PILOT job, from student to teacher – the perfect job at ERAU, Flight Instructor solos 54 students in nine months.#ERAU #firstpilotjob #buildingflighttime #ERAUpilotjob #soloed54pilots #pilotvideos #aviation #pilot #daytonabeach #flightinstructor #learntofly #noty
Read moreHealthy foods, good foods to eat, Healthy Rule #3 from Airline pilot: NOT-Y
Flight plan for life from airline pilot with 36 years of passing pilot medical exams every six months. Healthy rule # 3 discusses the good foods to eat to improve your health, feel better and increase energy for healthy lifestyle. #healthyfoods #eatinghealthy #whatarethegoodfoodstoeat #howtoeathealthy #foodstoimproveyourhealth #benifitsofeatingvegetables
Pilot Towing Banners-Daytona Beach: NOT-Y pilot runs off runway and almost crashes
Pilot explaining the banner tow operation over Daytona Beach and runs off the runway and pilot almost crashes. #pilot #aviation #towingbanners #daytonabeach #not-y #pilotovershootsrunway #buildingflighttime #pilotcareer
Young pilot’s first emergency, Smoke in the Cockpit Emergency – Daytona Beach: NOT-Y
Young pilot’s first emergency, SMOKE in the COCKPIT while towing banners along Daytona Beach, from retired airline pilot with 36 years experience. #youngpilotsfirstemergency #howtosurvivesmokeinthecockpit #bannertowpilotemergency #pilotamazingskills #howpilotshandleemergencies #smokeinthecockpit #pilotemergency #daytonabeach #pilottowingbanners #aviation #pilotslife #pilotsurvives #aerialadvertising
Read moreCar skidding in snow, teenage driver Almost Died : Snowstorm – New York : NOT-Y
Teenage driver Almost Died driving in a snowstorm, New York. #teenagedriver #teenagecarcash #howtodriveinsnow #newyork #driversurvivessnowstorm #passingtrucks #almostieddriving #howtosurvivedrivinginsnowstorm #teslavideo